A40 Risinghurst TurnA835Abbey Hey LaneAbbeyhillAbercorn RoadAberfoyle GardensAbernyte Link RoadAdam Smith TheatreAdamson AvenueAdamson CrescentAirlie PlaceAirport HotelAirport (Stop C)Alexander StreetAllan Park RoadAll Saints SchoolAmbrose RiseAntiquary GardensAntiquary HouseApplecross Road EndArbroath Railway StationArbroath RoadArdarroch Road EndArdownie Road EndArnhall DriveArpafeelie JunctionAsdaAsh GroveAshgrove SouthAsh RoadAshton Old RoadAshton Old Road (Stop A)Ashurst CourtAssheton RoadAtholl Crescent (Stop Sg)Auburn LocksAuchterderran RoadBaberton AvenueBack O' YardsBaffin StreetBalcathie Road EndBalerno High SchoolBalerno Main StreetBalfour CourtBallinard RoadBallindean FarmBalmachie Road EndBankhead AvenueBankhead BroadwayBankhead Crossway NorthBankhead DriveBankhead LoanBankhead MedwayBarnton GroveBarr CrescentBath RoadBatley Rd Hollinbank LaneBattlefield DriveBavelaw GardensBeechgrove DriveBegg FarmBellyeoman Primary SchoolBellyeoman RoadBellyeoman SurgeryBennochy BridgeBennochy GardensBlairmore RoadBogmiln FarmBoreland RoadBothwell StreetBowhill ViewBradford Rd Listing LaneBraehead GroveBranklyn GardensBridge StreetBrigghills FarmBrixey Road ChurchBrookes University (Stop B5)Broom GardensBroomhead FlatsBroom RoadBrunstane BankBrunstane Mill RoadBrunton Theatre Journey HubBryce RoadBuller StreetBurndale PlaceBurtons Biscuits FactoryBus DepotBus ShelterBus StationBus Station (Stance 10)Bus Station (Stance 2)Bus Station (Stance 4)Bus Station Stance 6Buxton LaneBypassBy PassCaird HallCaiystane ViewCalder DriveCalder ViewCaledonian VillageCalton Terrace BraeCammo SouthCammo TerminusCanal StreetCanal Street (Stop Zo)Canal Street (Stop Zp)Canmore LodgeCantsdam RoadCardenden RoadCardenden ShopsCargill PlaceCarlungie Road EndCarnegie CampusCarron PlaceCarselea RoadCastlandhill RoadCaulderhame RoadCemeteryCemetery Rd Goose HillChapel LaneChapel Ln Trueman AvenueChapel RoundaboutCharles AvenueChatsworth RoadChesil GardensCheviot RoadChuckers RowChurchChurch Road EndChurch StreetCity Railway StationClarence RoadClayhills DriveClayhills GroveClough RoadClovenstone RoadClovis Duveau DriveCluny ParkCochrane AvenueCockburn CrescentCockit HatCocklaw StreetCoillesdene CrescentCole StreetColinton Mains LoanColinton Mains RoadColinton VillageColliston RoadColonel'S RoadCommunity CentreConcorde WayConcrete WorksCorriemoillie Farm Road EndCorriemoillie Lodge Road EndCottage InnCottownCouldoran Road EndCouncil BuildingsCourthill ChapelCowpits RoadCraigie AvenueCraigs RoadCramond GardensCramond Glebe RoadCramond PlaceCramond RegisCranbrook RoadCrossCrosswood CrescentCrown HotelCurlew WayCurriehill StationCurrie LibraryCurrie Primary SchoolCuttle BrookCypress GroveDaisy BankDalbeattie Street (Stop C)Dale Lane Brighton StDale Lane Lincoln AveDale Lane Wh Lee RdDalgleish HouseDalgleish RoadDalkeith RoadDalry Primary SchoolDavidson WayDeanway
Delta DriveDelta RoadDenend CrescentDerwent StreetDick PlaceDobbie'S Garden CentreDolphin AvenueDovecot GroveDovecot ParkDroylsden Football GroundDroylsden Wharf RoadDrummond HouseDrynie Park JunctionDuddingston AvenueDuddingston GardensDuddingston MillsEastbank PlaceEastbound Slip RoadEaster CurrieEaster Currie CourtEastfield GardensEast Leys FarmEdenhall RoadEden StreetEdge LaneEdge Lane Metrolink (Stop A)Edge Lane Metrolink (Stop F)Edinburgh CollegeEdinburgh Park StationEdinburgh RoadEdward StreetElibank StreetEllengowan DriveElliot BridgeElliot Caravan ParkElliot RoadElm LaneErrol Park EstateFair-A-Far CottagesFair-A-Far ShotFairfield Road (Stop D)Fairies RoadFair Isle Bowling GreenFairmile AvenueFairmilehead CrossroadsFairmount RoadFairykirk RoadFaith GardensFarington StreetFarington TerraceFarnell WayFa'Side AvenueFife CollegeFirbank RoadFirrhill High SchoolFirthcliffe LaneFirthcliffe ParadeFirthcliffe Parade Firthcliffe GroveFirthcliffe RoadFisherowFisherrowFive Elms FarmFiveways Byron AvenueFordell WayForest Hill TurnForrester High SchoolForthill RoadForth ReachFoulis CrescentFoundry LaneFraser AvenueFriday LaneFrogston AvenueGagarin WayGalt DriveGamekeeper'S RoadGammie PlaceGilmerton Dykes AvenueGilmerton Dykes CrescentGilmour StreetGlackmore JunctionGladstone RoadGlamis RoadGlasnock Road EndGlebe ParkGlebe StreetGlenalmondGlen Mor Road EndGlenview Road EndGogarburn A8Gogar RoundaboutGogarstone RoadGolf Course RoadGolf ViewGoodlyburn PlaceGotterstone AvenueGowanbank FarmGracemount Leisure CentreGrace StreetGraham PlaceGrange RoadGransmoor RoadGranton ViewGranville StreetGray ParkGreat Newton StreetGreat North RoadGreenGreendykes RoadGreenfield CrescentGreen Road RoundaboutGreenside LaneGreystane RoadGrosvenor RoadGrove RoadGrove StreetGrudie Power StationGyle Centre (Stop Kb)Gyle Centre (Stop Kc)Gyle Centre (Stop Kf)Gyle RoundaboutGyle SquareHailes GroveHailesland PlaceHalbeath BypassHalifax RoadHarley StreetHarris DriveHatton Road EndHawarden TerraceHayfield CemeteryHayfield PlaceHaymarket Station (Stop Ha)Haymarket Station (Stop Hg)Hazel AvenueHeadington School (Stop B9)Headington Shops (Stop Hs2)Headwell AvenueHeckmondwike Hub (Stop H2)Hector Duncan CourtHenderson StreetHendry RoadHermand StreetHermiston Gait Retail ParkHermiston Park & RideHighlea CircleHigh SchoolHigh StreetHigh Street (Stop 3)High Street (Stop A)High Street (Stop C)High Street (Stop L2)Hill Farm CottagesHillier Street NorthHill StreetHillview CrescentHolborn PlaceHope LaneHospitalfield RoadHostelHotelHousesHutchison CrosswayHutchison PlaceHyndford StreetIndustrial EstateIngliston Park & RideIngs Rd Listing DriveInvergowrie DriveInvergowrie InnInverness Justice CentreJames Arnott DriveJames StreetJubilee RoadJuniper AvenueJuniper Green KirkJuniperleeKaimes CrossroadsKemback StreetKemnay PlaceKenilworth AvenueKennedy CrescentKenyon LaneKeptie MotorsKeptie PondKessock BridgeKinauld HouseKinfauns CastleKingdom ServicesKinglassie Road
King Malcolm HotelKings ArmsKingsgate CentreKingsknowe ParkKingsknowe Road SouthKing StreetKintail PlaceKirkton RoadLade BraesLady Anne CourtLaing LoanLairLanark Road WestLasswade GroveLauriston DriveLaybyLedgowanLedgowan Lodge HotelLeetownLegion CourtLeisure PoolLeslie RoadLevel CrossingLewis RoadLily LaneLinburn RoadListing Dr Ings RoadListings DriveLittlemoss RoadLittlemoss TerminusLivingstone RoadLoan Road EndLobley StreetLochcarron HotelLochcarron PrimaryLochgelly RoadLochluichart Lodge Road EndLochside CrescentLochside PlaceLodgeLodge Road EndLongfield RoadLord Williams Upper SchoolLovedale RoadLuib Road EndLynebank HospitalMacainsh Parish ChurchMadoch CentreMagdalene DriveMaggies CentreMains Of ErrolMains Of Kelly Road EndMain StreetMaitland Park RoadManchester Road (Stop A)Mannings Heath RoadManse RoadMaple StreetMarchbank DriveMaree PlaceMargaret Rose AvenueMarie Curie HospiceMarionville RoadMarket Place H5 (Stop H5)Market StreetMarks And SpencerMark St Albion StreetMark StreetMavisbank GardensMcvicars LaneMeadowbank HouseMeadowbank StadiumMeadowview DriveMedlock StreetMemorialMerchiston Castle SchoolMethven DriveMiddlebank StreetMill Bay TerraceMilton Gardens NorthMilton TerraceMoat DriveMoir AvenueMonymusk ParkMonymusk RoadMoorside StreetMorgan StreetMorrisonsMortonhall Park AvenueMortonhall Park GardensMoston LaneMotion StreetMotorway Service Area (Entrance)Muirend AvenueMuirend RoadMuirside TerraceMuirton FarmMuirton TerraceMuir Wood RoadMurieston CrescentMurrayburn ParkMurrayknowe FarmMuseumMylnefield RoadNeidpath PlaceNetherbeath RoadNether CurrieNethergate (Stop 2)Netherton FarmNewbiggingNewhouse RoadNewmills RoadNew North Rd Beech GroveNew North Rd Westfield RoadNew North RoadNew North Road Leeds Old RdNew SwanstonNewton Heath & Moston Metrolink (Stop B)Newton Heath Terminus (Stop F)Ninewells Hospital (Stance C)Noran AvenueNorthfield CrescentNorth Gyle TerraceNorth High StreetNorth RoadNorth StreetNunroydOakfield StreetOld Craigie RoadOld Fire StationOldham StreetOld Knapp Road EndOrebank RoadOrmiston ParkOsmond DriveOxcars DriveOxgangs AvenueOxgangs LibraryOxgangs Primary SchoolOxgangs TerracePaisley DrivePalm StreetPanmurefield Village (Stop 1)Panmurefield Village (Stop 2)Parish ChurchPark AvenuePark DrivePark End Street (Stop D5)Park Hill RoundaboutParklands CrescentPark LanePark & Ride Arrival BayPark & Ride (Stance 6)Patons LanePeasiehill RoadPeel StreetPeggy'S Mill RoadPentland View CourtPinkie MainsPitreavie Business ParkPitreavie Golf CoursePitreavie Playing FieldsPlayer DrivePolice StationPoplar CrescentPortobello CemeteryPortobello High SchoolPost OfficePreston Watson StreetPrimary SchoolPrinces Street (Stop Pd)Princes Street (Stop Pk)Princes Street (Stop Pn)Princes Street (Stop Pt)Princes Street (Stop Pz)Public ParkQm Hospital AccessQueen Anne High SchoolQueen Margaret Hospital (Front Entrance)Queen Margaret Rail StationQueens HotelQueens Lane (Stop J3)Rachael CloseRailway StationRailway Station Stance A (Stance A)Railway Station Stance D (Stance D)Railway Station (Stop R1)Rannoch RoadRassal Road EndRedford Barracks
Redhall ViewRedheughs AvenueRegent TerraceReid AvenueReid StreetRitchies LaneRiver CrescentRiverside PlaceRoad EndRobert Smith CourtRobertson Road PavilionRockfield StreetRockvilla HotelRoseangleRosebank CottageRosebery ViewRossie AvenueRosslyn HouseRoyal Infirmary Turning Circle (Stop C)Rustic CottagesSampson StreetSandfield RoadSchool Road EndSchool WyndScott FyffeScryne Road EndSeafield House Road EndSeafield LaneSeafield RoadSeagate (Stop 2)Sea View (Stop B)Sea View (Stop C)Seymour StreetShabbington TurnShandon PlaceShandwick Place (Stop Sb)Shandwick Place (Stop Sf)Shiels CottagesShopShrewsbury RoadSidlaw StreetSinatrasSlateford HouseSlateford StationSlip Road WestboundSmithySouthfield LoanSouth Gyle Crescent LaneSouth Gyle Trade ParkSouthhouse LoanSouth Road EndSouth StreetSouth Street (Stop N)Speedwell Street (Stop S1)Spens CrescentSpittalfield RoadSpringbank TerraceSpringfield RoadSpringwell HouseSpylaw BankSpylaw Bank RoadSpylaw ParkSt Andrew'S HouseStar InnStationStation RoadStation Road EndSt Clements Street (Stop C)St Clements WellsSt DavidsSt David'S Business ParkStep RowStewart RoadSt Finnian'S ChurchSt Johns ChurchSt John'S & St Columba'S ChurchSt Kilda CrescentSt Leonard'S Bus DepotSt Marys ChurchSt Michaels ChurchSt Ninians WayStone Park CornerStrathbran Lodge Road EndStrawberry CornerStuart PlaceSugarhouse WyndSunnyside RoadSurrey AvenueSwanston RoadSycamore DriveTelephone KioskTemplar'S CramondTerminusTesco SupermarketTeviot HouseThe Auld HooseThe AvenueThe BridgesThe BuccaneerThe FountainThe FoxThe FreewayThe PinesThe PloughThe SteadingsThomas Thomson HouseThornhill Park And Ride (Stop B)Thornhill Park And Ride (Stop F)Thornhill RoadTighchreigTollgateTorriegorrie Road EndTor ViewToscaig PierTower ParkTown HallTown HouseTrenchard PlaceTrinidad HouseTummel DriveUlster DriveUnion Rd Huddersfield RdUnion Rd Wormald StreetUnion Road Smith StUnion StreetUniversityUpper Victoria Road EndUppleby RoadValley Rd Arnold StreetValley Rd Ings CrescentVictoria HospitalVictoria Hospital North GateViewfield RoadViewfield TerraceViewlandsWallsgreen GardensWallyford Journey HubWallyford Learning CampusWallyford Primary SchoolWar MemorialWaterloo Place (Stop Zj)Water Of Leith CentreWaterstock TurnWaterstones (Stop 2)Wayfarers DriveWeavers YardWellwood Community CentreWestburn AvenueWestcroft WayWester Hailes ParkWester Hailes RoadWestern AvenueWestfield RoadWestgate (Stop E5)West Grove AvenueWest LaneWest Maitland Street (Stop Hd)West MarketgaitWest Park RoadWest Road EndWestside Plaza (Stop 2)Westway Retail ParkWharton RoadWhitecraig AvenueWhitecraig CrescentWhitehall Street (Stop 3)White HeatherWhite Lee Rd Batley RoadWhite Lee Rd Kester RoadWhite Lee RoadWhitlea RoadWhyte StreetWilliams RoadWillowbrae GardensWillowgate FisheryWindsor StreetWinton DriveWishart CentreWishaw TerraceWoodhall DriveWoodside StreetWorbarrow GardensWormald StreetWorrell DriveWright Robinson Sports CollegeYork Place (Stop Ze)York Place (Stop Zf)Zetland Place
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