A835Abbey Hey LaneAbbeyviewAbbey ViewAbbeyview ParkAbbeyview ShopsAbbotsford RoadAberdour PlaceAbington RoadAchray House HotelAdam Smith TheatreAdamson AvenueAdamson CrescentAdamson PlaceAdmiralty RoadAfter Zetland PlaceAirport HotelAirport (Stop G)Albert StreetAlderston DriveAlexander StreetAlford WayAlice Cox WalkAllan CourtAllan CrescentAllan ParkAlloa RdAll Saints SchoolAlmond RoadAlmondsideAmazon WayAnderson AvenueAnderson LaneAnnfieldApplecross Road EndArdarroch Road EndArdross FarmArdross PlaceArkaig DriveArlary Road EndArpafeelie JunctionArrans HotelArthur StreetAshley HouseAsh RoadAshton Old RoadAshton Old Road (Stop A)Assheton RoadAthol PlaceAuchmuty High SchoolAuchmuty RoadAuchterderran RoadAuld Mart RoadAuld Shank InnAytoun GroveBabcock Training CentreBackmarch RoadBack O' YardsBalbedie AvenueBalchrystie FarmBalfour CourtBalgownie WestBallingry RoadBallingry Turning CircleBalmungo SteadingsBalnagowanBalvaird PlaceBankhead RoundaboutBannerman AvenueBannerman StreetBarnton JunctionBarrack Street (Stop Zr)Barr CrescentBattery Road Turning CircleBawbee BridgeBeath High SchoolBeath ViewBeauly CrescentBeechbank CrescentBeechwoodBegg FarmBein InnBeley FarmBellfield CrescentBellyeoman Primary SchoolBellyeoman RoadBellyeoman SurgeryBenarty AvenueBenarty SquareBendameer RoadBennochy BridgeBennochy GardensBergen AvenueBeveridge StreetBirnam GardensBlackhall RoadBlacklaw RoadBlackwood WayBlair Castle Road EndBlair DriveBlairfordel FarmBlairmore RoadBlairwood CottagesBlairwood ParkBlamey CrescentBonerbo FarmBonhard RoadBonnyton PlaceBoreland RoadBothwell StreetBowershallBowhill ViewBowhouse FarmBowling ClubBowling GreenBowling Green RoadBowling Green StreetB & QBraemar DriveBraigh Gardens Turning CircleBrandy RiggsBreadalbane TerraceBridgefauld RoadBridgendBridge Of RossBridge StreetBrigghills FarmBristo SquareBroom GardensBroomhead DriveBroomhead FlatsBruce Arms HotelBrucefield CrescentBrucefield FeusBruce GardensBruckley FarmBuchanan Bus Station (Stance 4)Buchanan CourtBuck And HyndBuller StreetBurger KingBurleigh Road JunctionBurnside PlaceBurnside TerraceBurns StreetBus DepotBusiness ParkBus ShelterBus StationBus Station Arrival BayBus Station (Stance 08)Bus Station (Stance 1)Bus Station (Stance 10)Bus Station (Stance 11)Bus Station (Stance 12)Bus Station (Stance 13)Bus Station (Stance 14)Bus Station (Stance 2)Bus Station (Stance 3)Bus Station (Stance 4)Bus Station (Stance 5)Bus Station (Stance 6)Bus Station Stance 6Bus Station (Stance 7)Bus Station (Stance 8)Bus Station (Stance 9)Bus Terminal (Stance G)Bus Turning CircleBuxton LaneBypassCaithness General HospitalCaithness PlaceCalaisburn PlaceCalum Macdonald CourtCamdean LaneCamdean Primary SchoolCameron CourtCanal StreetCanal Street (Stop Zp)Canmore LodgeCantsdam RoadCapledrae FarmCapshard WoodCaravan ParkCardenden RoadCardenden ShopsCarlingnose PointCarnegie CampusCarnegie CentreCarnegie Primary SchoolCarnock RoadCarron PlaceCastlandhill RoadCastle HouseCastle RoadCatherine TerraceCauldcots FarmCemeteryCemetery AccessCentral RoadChapel RoundaboutChapel StreetChatsworth RoadCherry BankChester Road-CrematoriumChester Road-Eastfield StreetChester Road-UniversityChester Road-Wolseley TerraceChestnut AvenueCheviot RoadChurchChurch Road EndChurch StreetCity Railway StationCivic CentreClackmannan RdClashburn WayCleish PlaceClentry CrescentClentry Nursery SchoolClough RoadClune TerraceCluny ParkClushford TollCochrane AvenueCocklaw StreetCoghill StreetCole StreetCollegeCollege StreetColliston RoadColonel'S RoadColton Mains FarmCommunity CentreComrie CroftComrie Mains FarmConcorde WayConcrete WorksCo-Op SupermarketCorriemoillie Farm Road EndCorriemoillie Lodge Road EndCottage InnCouldoran Road EndCouncil BuildingsCouncil YardCourthill ChapelCoustonCouston DriveCouston HouseCow BraeCowley StreetCowstrandburn EarthworksCraigclowan SchoolCraigleith DriveCraigleith RoadCraigluscar RoadCramond GardensCraws Nest HotelCrematoriumCrescent RoadCrieff RoadCroft-An-RighCromar DriveCrookmuirhill FarmCrossroadsCrown HotelCults Mill Road EndCults Road EndCumbrae TerraceCupar RoadCurlew GardensCurlew WayCuthill TowersCypress GroveDaisy BankDalbeattie Street (Stop C)DalchonzieDalcross WayDalgety Bay AsdaDalgety Church YardDalgety House ViewDalgrain RoadDalvreck HouseDavid CrescentDean AcresDean DriveDean RidgeDeanwayDee PlaceDeeside PlaceDenend CrescentDenfield PlaceDen WalkDerwent StreetDetroit RoadDevonwayDewar Avenue
Dewar StreetDiageoDick PlaceDochart RoadDockyard RoundaboutDonibristle LinkDon RoadDouglas DriveDover DriveDover ParkDoxford International-ArrivaDrill HallDroylsden Football GroundDroylsden Wharf RoadDrum RoadDrynie Park JunctionDubbiesideDuke StreetDullomuir DriveDunadinDuncan CrescentDuncrievieDundas CastleDundee RoadDunduff FarmDunearn BankDunfermline CemeteryDunfermline High SchoolDunfermline High School (Stance A)Dunfermline High School (Stance B)Dunfermline High School (Stance C)Dunfermline High School (Stance D)Dunfermline High School (Stance E)Dunfermline High School (Stance F)Dunfermline High School (Stance G)Dunfermline High School (Stance H)Dunfermline Learning CampusDunimarle StreetDunlin DriveDunmore Nursery SchoolDunnet RoadDunvegan CourtDurham TerraceDurham WyndDurie PlaceDysart Road EndEardley CrescentEarn GroveEast Access Ridge WayEast AvenueEast End Football ParkEaster Craig GardensEaster Kincaple FarmEastfield RoadEast Fife Football GroundEast LodgeEast SandsEchline ParkEden RoadEdensideEdenwood FarmEdge LaneEdge Lane Metrolink (Stop A)Edge Lane Metrolink (Stop F)Edinburgh Road (Stop Zl)Edinburgh Road (Stop Zm)Edward PlaceEdward StreetEilean LaneEilston RoadElder PlaceEllaleen GroveElm CottageEnterprise WayErica GroveErskine ChurchErskine CourtErskine WyndEvershed DrEx-Servicemen'S ClubFairfield Road (Stop D)Fair Isle Bowling GreenFair Isle RoadFairykirk RoadFarm CottageFarnell WayFastlinkFawcett StreetFerryhills RoadFerrymuir Retail ParkFerry RoadFieldfare ViewFife CollegeFife College Car ParkFife College GlenrothesFife Leisure ParkFire StationFiveways Byron AvenueFlesh WyndFlockhouse AvenueFodbank ViewFoot PlaceFordell GardensFordell WayFordel Road EndForest RoadForgan RoundaboutForrest RoadForth CrescentForth ReachForth Valley Royal Hospital (Stance 4)Forth ViewForth View CottagesForth View Industrial EstateFoulford PlaceFour Seasons HotelFoxton Farm Road EndFrances Industrial EstateFrankfield RoadFraser AvenueFraser PlaceGagarin WayGairneybridge FarmGala BingoGallatown RoundaboutGallowhill RoadGammie PlaceGarageGarden CourtGardiner PlaceGarvock BridgeGarvock HillGarvock TerraceGas WyndGateside CottagesGateside Industrial EstateGateside RoadGeorge StreetGilfillan RoadGillespie GroveGillwayGilmour StreetGipsy LaneGlackmore JunctionGlasnock Road EndGlebe ParkGlenalmondGlen Isla GroveGlen Moriston DriveGlen Mor Road EndGlenrothes Bus Station Arrival BayGlenview Road EndGoat WoodGolf CourseGolf Course RoadGolfdrum StreetGolf ViewGorrie StreetGowanbank FarmGowanbrae PlaceGrace StreetGrampian RoadGrange Manor HotelGrannie Clark'S WyndGransmoor RoadGranton ViewGray ParkGreat Newton StreetGreat North RoadGreenacresGreenbank RoadGreen HotelGreen RoadGreenshank DriveGreenside LaneGrieve StreetGrove StreetGrudie Power StationGuardbridge HotelGuildry GroveGulf Petrol StationHalbeath BypassHalbeath Main StreetHalbeath PlaceHalbeath RoadHalkett CrescentHanover Street (Stop Gp)HarbourHarbour WyndHarestanesHarley StreetHarris DriveHatchbank RoadHaugh RoadHayfield CemeteryHayfield PlaceHazel AvenueHeadwell AvenueHeadwell RoadHealth CentreHector Duncan CourtHeggies WyndHenderson StreetHendry RoadHenrietta CourtHigh SchoolHigh StreetHigh Street - Nuns LaneHigh Street Stance AHigh Street Stance BHill AvenueHillfield RoadHillhead Primary SchoolHillhead RoadHillier Street NorthHillpark StepsHill RoadHillside AvenueHill StreetHillviewHillview CrescentHillwoodHilton RdHilton RoadHilton ViewHoggan CrescentHolborn PlaceHollybank CottageHolly CrescentHolmeside (Stand 6)Holy Name Primary SchoolHope StreetHopetoun ViewHospital Hill SurgeryHostelHotelHouldsworth StreetHousesHoward CrescentHudson RoadHugh PlaceHugo AvenueHutchison GreenInchkeith DriveIndustrial EstateIngliston RoadIngliston ShowgroundInglis View CottageInnerleven ChurchInverness Justice CentreInzievar Primary SchoolIzatt TerraceJames StreetJames Street (Stance A)James Street (Stance B)James Street (Stance E)James Street (Stance F)John Burnet HallJohn Stuart GaitKames PlaceKeir StreetKeltyhill AvenueKeltyhill RoadKenmore TerraceKennedy CrescentKent StreetKenyon LaneKerrisk DriveKerse BridgeKessock BridgeKettlehill Road EndKidd StreetKilbagie StreetKilburn RoadKingdom ServicesKingfisher PlaceKinghorn RoadKinglassie RoadKing Malcolm HotelKingsgate CentreKingsland TerraceKingslea CottageKing'S Road Primary SchoolKing StreetKingswood HotelKinkell Braes Caravan ParkKinneddar ParkKinnis CourtKirk BraeKirkforthar FeusKirkgateKirkland GardensKirklands HotelKirkland WalkKirkland Walk - EastKirkton GraveyardKirkton Road
Kirkwood CrescentKnowehead RoadKnox GardensKyle CrescentLaburnum RoadLade BraesLadesideLady Anne CourtLady Nairne RoadLairLanglands RoadLapwing DriveLarch GroveLargo RoadLauncherhead RoadLaurence ParkLauriston DriveLawgrove PlaceLaybyLearmonth TerraceLearning CampusLeckerstone FarmLedgowanLedgowan Lodge HotelLegion CourtLeslie RoadLetham GlenLevenbank DriveLevenbridge PlaceLewis RoadLibraryLiggars PlaceLily LaneLime GroveLinburn GroveLinburn RoadLinks DriveLinton CourtLinton PlaceLinwell CourtLittlemoss RoadLittlemoss TerminusLoanhead AvenueLoanhead Poultry FarmLoan Road EndLochcarron HotelLochcarron PrimaryLochend FarmLochend RoadLochgelly CentreLochgelly RoadLochleven GardensLoch Leven Leisure CentreLoch Leven TerraceLochluichart Lodge Road EndLochore MeadowsLochran FarmLochty AvenueLochy RiseLodgeLodge Road EndLomond MewsLongannet CottagesLong CrookLorn PlaceLoughborough RoadLow CausewayLowry PlaceLuib Road EndLumsdaine DriveLundin Links HotelLundin RoadLynebank HospitalLyne GroveLynn FarmMacainsh Parish ChurchMacarthur StreetMacbeth RoadMacduff CrescentMaclean GateMacquarrie CrescentMacrae And DickMacrosty ParkMain RoadMain StreetMain Street Turning CircleMain Street - WestMaitland StreetMalcolm StreetManchester Road (Stop A)Manor CottagesManor GardensManse PlaceManse RoadMaple StreetMaple TerraceMaree PlaceMarket StreetMarkfield RoadMar PlaceMarshall PlaceMaryhall StreetMary PlaceMasterton Primary SchoolMasterton RoadMawcarse Road EndMayfield RoadMcclelland CrescentMcduffMckane PlaceMckay DriveMckenzie StreetMclean Primary SchoolMeadowfieldMeadowlandMedical CentreMedlock StreetMeldrum CourtMelville StreetMemorialMemorial CourtMerryhill FarmMethil BraeMethilhaven HomeMethilhaven RoadMethven DriveMiddlebank StreetMiddlefield RoadMidlaw CrescentMid StreetMilesmark CourtMilesmark Primary SchoolMiller AvenueMillhill SurgeryMill RoadMilrig CottagesMilton GreenMonument Pilgrim StreetMonzievaird Village HallMoorloch Road EndMoorside StreetMorar RoadMoray ParkMorayvaleMoray ViewMoray Way North RoundaboutMorrison DriveMorrisons DailyMorrisons SupermarketMoss CottageMoston LaneMotion StreetMoubray RoadMowat PlaceMuiredge Den WalkMuiredge RoundaboutMuiredge SurgeryMuirside GroveMuirside Of Kinneddar FarmMuirton FarmMuirton TerraceMulberry DriveMurray AvenueMurrayknowe FarmMurrell RoadNational CourtNavitie ParkNeidpath PlaceNetherbeath RoadNetherton FarmNewmills BridgeNewton CrescentNewton Heath & Moston Metrolink (Stop B)Newton Heath Terminus (Stop F)Nightingale PlaceNine Lums FarmNithsdale PlaceNith StreetNo 8North AccessNorth Approach RoadNorth Bridge (Stop Nd)North End ParkNorth OvergateNorth RoadNorth StreetNorton PlaceNorval PlaceNursing HomeOakfield StreetOakleaOchil TerraceOchil ViewOld Course HotelOld Denny RoadOld Dunnikier HouseOld Fire StationOldham StreetOld Kirk RoadOld Linburn RoadOld Liston RoadOld Perth RoadOld Post OfficeOrchard LaneOrdnance RoadOrdnance Road Turning CircleOrebank RoadOrmiston ParkOverton RoadOxcars DrivePalm StreetParish ChurchPark And RidePark AvenueParklands CrescentPark LanePark PlacePark & Ride Arrival BayPark & Ride (Stance 1)Park & Ride (Stance 2)Park & Ride (Stance 3)Park & Ride (Stance 4)Park & Ride (Stance 5)Park & Ride (Stance 6)Park RoadPark Road WestParkside StreetPaton StreetPattiesmuir Road EndPc WorldPeebles StreetPeel StreetPentland RisePeploe RisePettycur Bay Caravan ParkPierPilot RowPine `N` OakPinnel PlacePitcairn ParkPitcorthie Primary SchoolPitkierie GaragePitreavie Business ParkPitreavie CastlePitreavie Golf CoursePitreavie Playing FieldsPitreavie Primary SchoolPittencrieff ParkPitteuchar RoundaboutPittsburgh RoadPlane GrovePlayer DrivePleasance RoadPolice StationPollock WalkPoplar CrescentPort DunbarPortePorterfieldPost OfficePratt StreetPrimary SchoolPrimrose AvenuePrimrose Avenue Turning CirclePrimrose LanePrinces Street (Stop Pd)Princes Street (Stop Ph)Princes Street (Stop Pr)Princes Street (Stop Pu)PrisonPromenadeProspect StreetPublic ParkQm Hospital AccessQuarry BraeQueen Anne High SchoolQueen Anne High School (Stance 0)Queen Anne High School (Stance 10)Queen Anne High School (Stance 11)Queen Anne High School (Stance 12)Queen Anne High School (Stance 13)Queen Anne High School (Stance 14)Queen Anne High School (Stance 15)Queen Anne High School (Stance 16)Queen Anne High School (Stance 17)Queen Anne High School (Stance 2)Queen Anne High School (Stance 3)Queen Anne High School (Stance 4)Queen Anne High School (Stance 5)Queen Anne High School (Stance 6)Queen Anne High School (Stance 7)Queen Anne High School (Stance 8)Queen Anne High School (Stance 9)Queen Margaret Hospital (Front Entrance)Queen Margaret Rail StationQueens BuildingsQueensferry Lodge
Queensferry RoadQueensferry Street (Stop Qc)Queensferry Street (Stop Qe)Queens HotelQueens SquareRailway StationRailway Station Stance A (Stance A)Railway Station Stance D (Stance D)Railway Station Turning CircleRandolph RoadRandolph Wemyss HospitalRandyford RoadRannoch RoadRassal Road EndRavenscraig FlatsRavenscraig ParkRavenscraig TerraceRedcraigs TollRed Cross CentreReid AvenueReid StreetRejects StoreRidley DriveRintoul AvenueRiver StreetRoad EndRobert Smith CourtRobertson Road PavilionRockvilla HotelRockwater OfficesRoods RoadRosebank GardensRosebery ViewRose CottageRosemill CourtRosewell DriveRosie CottagesRoss CottageRoss LaneRoyal Bank Of ScotlandRoyal Hospital Chester Road BRoyal PlaceRussell StreetRutherford CourtSacred Heart ChurchSainsburys SupermarketSaltpansSandhills Caravan ParkSandilandsSands Road EndSandwell StreetScalesburnSchool RoadSchool Road EndSchool WyndScobie PlaceScott StreetScott Street (Stop X)Seafield House Road EndSeafield RoadSeagate Bus Station (Stance 7)Seggie FarmShell Petrol StationShields RoadShiels CottagesShillinghill (Stance 1)Shillinghill (Stance 3)Shin WayShopShopping CentreShrewsbury RoadSibmister Road EndSide StreetSidlaw StreetSilverbarton TerraceSir George Bruce RoadSir Georges Street ChurchSir George'S Street ChurchSligo StreetSlip RoadSmeaton Industrial EstateSmith AvenueSmith CottageSmithySouth BridgeSouth GroveSouth Road EndSouth RowSouth StreetSouth Street (Stop K)Spittalfield RoadSpringbank TerraceSpringfield RoadSpruce GroveSquareStadium Road EndStanding Stane RoadSt Andrew Square (Stop Yd)Starkies WoodStarley HallStationStation RoadStation Road EndSt Bridget'S BraeSt Brycedale CampusSt Brycedale RoadSt Columba'S ChurchSt Columba'S High SchoolSt DavidsSt David'S Business ParkSt David'S CourtSteelend FarmSteel Works BraeStenhouse DriveStevens PlaceStewart StreetSt Finnian'S ChurchStirling Council OfficesStirling RdSt Johns DriveSt Johns PrimarySt John'S & St Columba'S ChurchSt Kilda CrescentSt Lawrence StreetSt Leonard'S Bus DepotSt Leonard'S ChurchSt Leonards PlaceSt Margaret'S Primary SchoolSt Mark'S Orthodox ChurchSt Michaels InnSt Patricks PrimarySt Peter'S ChurchSt Peter'S & St Paul'S ChurchStrathbeg DriveStrathbran Lodge Road EndStrathtyrum Golf CourseStroma RoadSt Serfs PrimaryStuart PlaceSunderland CrematoriumSunderland Green TerraceSunnybraes TerraceSunnyside RoadSurgeons' HallSurgerySurrey AvenueSwan BraeSwan CourtSwinton'S PlaceSycamore AvenueTapitlaw GroveTarvit MillTeal PlaceTelephone KioskTelford RoadTescoTesco SupermarketThane PlaceThe Auld HooseThe AvenueThe BridgesThe Broadway-Broadmayne AvenueThe BuccaneerThe CairnsThe Car ShedThe CastingsThe CentreThe FountainThe GreenThe HallowsThe HarbourThe HeatheryThe InchesThe LinksThe Mound (Stop Mb)The MuirsThe NessThe PaddockThe PalaceThe PinesThe School HouseThe ShoreThe WyndThomastoun DriveThomson TherapyThornbridge RoadThorn GroveThornhill RoadThorntree PlaceTighchreigTinian CrescentToboggan RoadToll AvenueTollcrossTollgateToll HouseToll RoadTorriegorrie Road EndTorryburn Primary SchoolTor ViewToscaig PierTower TerraceTown Centre Stances (Stance 1)Town Centre Stances (Stance 6)Town HouseTown LochTrading EstateTransy GroveTrenchard PlaceTrondheim ParkwayTrondheim PlaceTrondheim RoundaboutTuke StreetTulliallan Golf CourseTullibody RdTullibody RoadTullibody Road At No 66Tullibody Road RdTullobody RoadTummel DriveTurning CircleTwenty Shilling WoodTyrwhitt PlaceUnion StreetUnity TerraceUniversity Of SunderlandUrquhartUrquhart CrescentUrquhart FarmValleyfield AvenueVeere ParkVenachar PlaceVictoria AvenueVictoria HospitalVictoria Hospital North GateVictoria StreetViewfield PlaceViewfield TerraceViewforth StreetVillageWaid AcademyWallace StreetWallsend CourtWallsgreen GardensWalls PlaceWalnut GroveWar MemorialWater Sports CentreWaulkmill FarmWayfarers DriveWeavers WalkWedderburn CrescentWedderburn PlaceWedderburn StreetWeir StreetWellesley InnWelltree JunctionWellwood Community CentreWellwood Primary SchoolWest Access Ridge WayWestburn AvenueWestcroft WayWest EndWester Gellet FarmWestern HillWester Road EndWestfieldWestfield Access RoadWest High StreetWest LaneWest LodgeWest Lodge Caravan ParkWest Mains Industrial EstateWest Road Turning CircleWest SandsWest Sands LodgeWest Wemyss TollWhite ChurchWhite HeatherWhitelaw CrescentWhytescausewayWhyte StreetWilliams RoadWilliam StreetWilson StreetWindmill GreenWoodburn CrescentWoodhead StreetWoodlands DriveWoodlands TerraceWoodmill High SchoolWoodmill RoadWoodside InnWoodside StreetWright Robinson Sports CollegeYork Place (Stop Zf)Zetland Place
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